Artfully Designed, Efficient, Healthy Homes that Fit the Way You Live


“Your craftsmanship is remarkable and reflected in every nook and cranny of the home.”

“Your immaculate construction is superior to anything else we have seen while searching for homes.”

“Homes are often cookie-cutter and predictable. This house is FAR from that.”

- Brian and Kristina, owners of 130 Park Ridge

“I have had a great experience working with Mr. Danford and found him to exhibit the utmost level of professionalism. I have found Jeff to have high standards for architects, suppliers, sub-contractors and other vendors; this has led to our projects being delivered according to business plan as well as satisfied customers. Furthermore, I feel Jeff has a strong moral compass and is intent on “doing the right thing.”

- Joe, Development Director

“Throughout his work Jeff has demonstrated the utmost level of integrity and a high level of attention to quality while maintaining tight oversight of budget and schedule. I’ve been delighted in the final product and Jeff’s performance on these projects. I also know him to be highly knowledgeable in building science and techniques. On a personal level, Jeff is highly trustworthy and cares deeply about the work he does and the customer he serves.”

- Bill, Development CEO

“Jeff takes great pride in achieving a high level of quality in the construction work he does and it has been ingrained in him since he was a boy. He’s also honest and dependable, especially when it comes to his work.”

- Ryan, Master Carpenter

Begin your inspiration below and then contact Attune to discuss what’s possible for you.

(919) 723-2035 — jeff@attunehomes.com